
Important notice: Martin Ridgers is here to help everyone possible to battle this common enemy, COVID-19.
Please don’t hesitate to call or email him at:

Office: 718-707-9616 | Email:

Please check out these valuable COVID-19 resources:

Coronavirus COVID-19 Notice:

SMBs (Small-Medium-Businesses) Resources:


The LIC Relief Covid-19 Response Group is the collaboration of local civic, religious and business organizations working together to alleviate specific needs in our neighborhoods and surrounding areas. Our stated goal is to mobilize neighbors helping neighbors. Knowing that one group cannot meet every need, this unique team decided to focus its relief efforts in the three primary areas listed below:

1 Food Collection And Distribution

LIC Relief is collecting non-perishable food items to replenish local food pantries in Western Queens. During this crisis, these pantries are being virtually emptied on a daily basis. Any goods collected are delivered daily to these food pantries.

2 Weekday Grab And GO Meal Distribution

In partnership with local restaurants, free and nutritional meals are being provided on weekdays for students and families that are impacted by the school closures, as well as assisting any person in need or who is unable to secure a daily meal. They also distribute and deliver donated food items from local stores to people in need as well as provide food packages to people visiting that specific location.

3 Resource And Volunteer Mobilization

They are building a database of volunteers willing to serve in our food collection centre, meal distribution sites, food prep facility and meal delivery system. They are collecting financial support to fund this relief effort and to support the local economy.